TRES DIAS is like no other experience.

It is 3-days away from the noise of the world and into the safety and loving presence of God and friends. It is a secluded time for you to LISTEN and HEAR what God has to say to you personally.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Tres Dias?

Tres Dias is a Christian ministry that revitalizes Christian men and women in their walk with Christ by encouraging them to:

  • Impact their home and work environments for Christ
  • Maintain their own relationship with Christ through small group sharing
  • Return to their home churches with a renewed desire to be a Servant Leader.
  • Most attendees are Protestant although all Christians who accept the Tres Dias “Statement of Belief” are welcome.
What does Tres Dias teach?

We focus on God’s unqualified love for each of us through grace, with the goal of coming away from the weekend with a refreshed and empowered relationship with God through Christ. Importantly, Tres Dias does not “teach” doctrine. In fact, we try to stay away from doctrinal discussions/debates; choosing instead to stress the things that the Christian denominations have in common while respecting those things which are different.

Why should I attend a Tres Dias weekend? I’m already doing ministry and have a strong walk with the lord. I don’t feel that I need a “spiritual retreat” since my church offers many opportunities.

There are many types of retreats available to Christians of all denominations; the vast majority of them are wonderful. If the retreat offered by your church has the same primary focus (experiencing God’s unqualified love for each of us through grace; coming away from the retreat with a refreshed view of your relationship with God through Christ; all with the goal of encouraging you to return to your local church as a servant leader with increased desire to reach others for Christ, then perhaps there is no need for you to attend a Tres Dias weekend.

  • By the same token, one question to consider is: What impact would a solid 72 hours spent in communion with Jesus through the Holy Spirit have on your spiritual walk. Obviously only you can answer that question. In any event, why not give it a try – After all, it’s only a weekend!
What will I get out of this weekend that will compensate me for giving up an entire weekend, the financial cost, risk the wrath of my spouse, and possibly put my job at risk by taking off on a Friday?

It’s difficult to address what someone will “get” out of a weekend, since the Holy Spirit will deal with each person differently, depending on their needs and their Walk. But at the very least, you’ll walk away with the experience of 72 continuous hours spent in a cloistered environment with other Christians, all focused on learning more about their own relationship with Jesus. In the end, you are the only one who can evaluate if the result is worth the effort.

Do I have to pay for the weekend?

Although there are no paid staff within the Tres Dias communities, there is a cost associated with every weekend: Facilities, food, supplies, insurance, etc.; all cost money which the local community has to absorb. Each community calculates its own costs for participants as well as for team members.

  • Having said that, Tres Dias feels that lack of funds should never be a reason for someone not to attend a weekend. As such, most communities have developed mechanisms to support those participants who might need financial assistance.
I cannot make a Thursday evening, so can I come on Friday instead? By the same token, I’m a pastor and need to go to my church on Sunday. Can i leave on Saturday night?

The answer to both of these question is generally ‘no.’

  • The activities of Thursday evening are very important in setting the stage for the rest of the weekend. As such, participation is very important. Of course, last minute emergencies happen, so exceptions can be made in those cases, but they tend to be very infrequent.
  • Pastors who attend a weekend are encouraged to have someone else take over their preaching responsibilities, similar to when they might be away on a weekend for vacation. Obviously, emergencies can occur that require a pastor (or any participant) to leave the weekend early. In those cases, the person will be considered to have not completed the weekend. They would be eligible to return on a future weekend. However, no one should attend a weekend planning to leave early.
Why do most tres dias communities require the husband to go first?

It’s not an absolute requirement of Tres Dias that men attend first. However, the majority of Tres Dias Communities have adopted this policy because experience has shown that if the wife attends first, it can be detrimental to the marriage.

Often, the wife has a closer relationship with Jesus than the husband. Many husbands have stated that they were there because they had to attend in order for their wife to come. (Very often, the wives are the ones that really want to attend, so the husband, out of love, will attend so that she can). If the wives were allowed to come first, many husbands would never attend. If the wife grows even closer in her relationship to Christ on the weekend, a significant gap may develop between the husband and wife. In those situations, the weekend that should be a blessing, could become an obstacle to the marriage.

My husband adamantly refuses to be a believer and even refuses to go to church with me. Can I go?

In most cases, the answer is “yes!” Each community has its own policies about how to handle exceptions, but it would be unusual for a community to not make that exception in this case.

Are you a cult?

This is perhaps the most important question to ask. It is important that you be comfortable about with whom you’ll be spending a 3-day weekend.

If we can step back in history, the early Tres Dias participants felt that the weekends were such a blessing that they didn’t want to spoil what, to some of them, were very special parts of the weekend.  As a result, people began referring to “secrets” within the weekend that were not to be discussed with potential participants – again, for fear of ruining some of the weekend.  Over time, and particularly with the advent of the Internet, stories of secrecy began to spread, resulting in rumours that Tres Dias must be a cult, since secrecy is one of the hallmarks of a cult.  

Much effort has been made to be completely open. In addition, we know that team members who have participated in multiple weekends are just as blessed by the weekend activities as those who are participating for the first time.  While some individuals continue to mistakenly perpetuate the idea of secrets, there are no secrets in Tres Dias.

In the interest of full disclosure, a document titled “The Essentials of Tres Dias” has been posted, for at least a couple of decades, on the Internet for anyone to see and review. “The Essentials of Tres Dias” is the document that every chartered Tres Dias community must adhere to in order to continue in Tres Dias. As you review the Essentials, you’ll note that each of the talks, the required meditations, the dynamics, etc. are all listed for anyone to see. Again, there are no secrets in Tres Dias.

In addition to the Essentials, communities are free to add some additional activities that are simply designed to enhance the weekend. Below is a list of the majority of these additional activities. These are the activities that many participants thought should be kept secret for fear of ruining the surprise. But the reality is that these are simply fun activities that enhance the weekend experience. (And as noted earlier, team members who have experienced them in the past still look forward to them when serving on a team). So again, there is no need to keep them a secret!

NOTE: Not all of these activities are utilized by all communities, but all communities will incorporate one or more of them into their weekend schedule with the goal of providing a special blessing to the participants:

  • MANANITA or SERENADE: A special time on the weekend when folks from the community come in to sing some songs to the participants.
  • AGAPE: A special time when a previously undecorated room is transformed into a room full of lights and associated with special sharing
  • FORGIVENESS SERVICE: There are many variations on this, but most involve some activity in which you privately evaluate your relationship with Christ and anonymously post your issue or obstacle. There is no requirement to participate in this, but those who do often find a special release in letting go of something they’ve been holding on to for a very long time.
  • SKITS: Usually very light-hearted and fun. Some communities even provide costumes and equipment.
  • PALANCA: Short written notes of encouragement
  • DE COLORES: A Spanish term for “Of the colors.” This is a Spanish folk song that has three primary applications on a Tres Dias weekend:
  1. The concept of the many colors of Christianity and how beautiful it is when Christians are brought together in unity.
  2. A salutation often used when writing to someone else involved in Tres Dias;
  3. The name of a silly song that we sing on the way to meals.

OTHER SPANISH WORDS: Since Tres Dias had its origins in Spain, certain Spanish words are used to describe some of the events that occur on a weekend. This is a small effort to maintain a connection with our heritage.

  • YOU GET THE IDEA:  These activities are not part of the Essentials, but are designed to create a comfortable environment to allow the participants to be open to whatever the Holy Spirit may have for them. There is nothing sinister, doctrinal, or evasive about these activities, they just provide some additional depth, fun and/or meaning to the weekend.
I understand that I have to take off my watch and/or give up my cellphone during the weekend - why?

Participants (and team) are asked to take off their watches and to not use their cell phones, although they can certainly keep them with them if they are more comfortable that way.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. One of the mottos of Tres Dias is “Participate, Don’t Anticipate!” The weekend is designed to “unfold.” It is best to be “in the moment” rather than trying to anticipate what’s coming next.
  2. In today’s culture, we are all so socially “connected” that it’s getting very hard to “disconnect” from our devices, and many of us are losing the ability to stay focused without them. This is simply a desire to help participants to take a break from all that – and to help them concentrate on Christ rather than other distractions.
  3. Asking participants to try to avoid looking at their watches or using their cell phones simply helps to create the environment where the Holy Spirit can minister without distractions like ringing cell phones.
  • If a participant is going to have undue stress, they can certainly keep their watch and cell phone with them. All we would ask is that they not use the cell phone for business purposes or in the proximity of other participants, and it should not be visible to others as to be a distraction.
How can I find a sponsor if I don’t know anyone who has been through Tres Dias? Why is sponsorship required – isn’t that a sign of a cult?

Sponsorship is critical for the participant because Tres Dias is NOT for everyone. Ideally, it is designed for Christians who are seeking a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. There are certain types of people that this ministry is NOT designed for, and Sponsorship is the only way to make certain that participants are a good fit. People who are Non-Christians are ineligible to be sponsored to a weekend.

Sponsors are discouraged from suggesting that the weekend is ideal for:

  • People with emotional issues that may manifest during a weekend
  • People looking to solve specific problems (marriage issues, recent death of a loved one, health issues, etc)
  • People who need psychological counselling. (Our Spiritual Directors are qualified to counsel on SPIRITUAL matters, not general psychological ones).

While there are many testimonies of those who were either of the above note, and by experiencing a Tres Dias weekend encountered Jesus in a way that brought deliverance to their lives. It is noteworthy to consider the potential challenges that might impact experiencing the weekend as intended.

In addition, sponsors do have an on-going obligation to the person they sponsor:

  • Sponsors are supposed to keep an eye on the person’s family during the weekend to make certain their needs are being met while the spouse is away (For example, a sponsor mowed a participant’s lawn – now THAT was a blessing!!)
  • Sponsors are encouraged to bring the participant to periodic Tres Dias events so they can get to know other members of the community, and to help get them into a small sharing group. The purpose of small group sharing is to provide on-going encouragement and accountability among Christians, which generally is best accomplished at the small group level. (The small sharing groups do not have to consist of only Tres Dias members).
What about confidentiality? I was told that nothing that occurs on a weekend can be shared after the weekend is over. What are you afraid of?

That’s not true at all! Any activity that occurs on a weekend can be shared freely. All that we ask is that nothing of a PERSONAL NATURE that was shared on a weekend should leave the weekend.

  • In many cases, the speakers will share some very personal and intimate aspects of their lives. They share their stories with the understanding that it won’t become gossip.
  • By the same token, other participants many choose to share something personal, so we owe it to them – and to you – to honor the confidentiality of personal sharing.

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MAY 25, 2025

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OCT 23-26, 2025

OCT 30 - NOV 2, 2025

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